Preterm Birth International Collaborative
15 million babies are born prematurely, more than one in ten of all babies born around the world.
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The Preterm Birth International Collaborative, Prebic , is composed of leading researchers, clinicians and clinical academics from Europe, Asia, North America, South America, and Australia.
The vibrant and collegial nature of the annual meeting and workshops leads to open, dynamic and innovative discussion regarding the current limitations and problems in preterm birth research, and identifies new solutions to these issues.
By combining basic scientists, statisticians, clinicians and policy makers, PREBIC is able to draw upon a unique knowledge base to create solutions that work from bench to bedside.
Prebic HistoryOur Vision and Values
The core beliefs of PREBIC are to advance scientific knowledge to prevent preterm birth through open, global collaborative research based on the principles of open communication, trust and honesty. Through our mission and vision, PREBIC aims to optimize newborn health and long-term development for mothers and childrens.
The values of PREBIC are to:
- Develop global collaborative research into preterm birth.
- Create a community of researchers to increase our understanding of the mechanisms leading to PTB.
- Stimulate scientific enquiry to enhance our understanding of the mechanisms leading to preterm birth.
- Create scientific guidelines for global collaborative research in preterm birth.
- Engage international collaborative research to prevent preterm birth.
- Facilitate collaborative using transdisciplary approaches to improve knowledge into preterm birth.
- To expedite preterm birth research by combining the resources of multiple research groups across multiple geographic populations.
- Encourage young researchers to work in international collaborative multidisciplinary teams to advance knowledge to prevent preterm birth.
PREBIC A Global collaborative
PREBIC is a multinational collaborative of clinicians and research scientists who aim to improve pregnancy and birth outcomes, optimizing infant health and long term development.
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