Prebic Global Meeting
Date: 13 - 15th June 2025, Prague

- This is a 2.5 day conference and workshop organised by the PREBIC European branch on behalf of PREBIC.
- Registration includes three nights hotel (12th,13th, and 14th June; breakfast and lunch, and two dinners).
- Current members: $575.
- For non-members, one year membership will be included in the registration cost: $650
- For trainees: $500 (includes 1 year membership)
- For colleagues from LMICs on the OECD list: $100 (includes 1 year membership)
- Registration is capped at 60.
There is a limited fund to support a small number of LMIC colleagues attend. Please contact PREBIC Europe secretary (Natasha Singh for further details)
- The conference is subsidised by the Borne Foundation and there will be a session to discuss funding opportunities for collaborative ventures.
- *Trainees = PhD students, UG/MSc students, non-tenure track postdoctoral researchers, research technicians, and research assistants)
- *OCED List =